A Look Inside My Art Room

I’m not one of those typical “I work best in a mess” artists. I have too much of my father’s left brain in me for that. When everything is everywhere, it makes me to anxious to work. I like organization – everything in its place where I can always find it. I like my workspace […]

Partnering with the Humane Society of Louisiana

I’ve recently embarked on a partnership with the Humane Society of Louisiana where donors are awarded a piece of my art based on how much they donate. The Humane Society focuses on fighting animal cruelty, neglect and mistreatment throughout the entire state. As you would expect, my family has known the head of the Humane […]

Why Not Art Full-Time?

Katherine, your real gift is in art and painting. Why don’t you do that full-time? You would make a fortune! First, no I wouldn’t, trust me. Ever heard the expression “starving artist?” Well, there’s a reason for that! Very few artists make a real living from their art. Most of them have a “day job” […]