Looking Up: A Journey with OI, Art, and a Positive Outlook

What does it mean to look up—both literally and figuratively? For me, it’s a question rooted in my experience living with Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI), commonly called Brittle Bone Disease. As a disabled artist with a passion for art and a life shaped by my disability, I’ve learned that a positive perspective can transform challenges into opportunities. This mindset took shape in a project […]

Exploiting “Disability” at America’s Got Talent

As someone living with Osteogenesis Imperfecta (often called Brittle Bone Disease), I rely on a wheelchair for mobility and have firsthand experience with the realities of being disabled. So, when I received free tickets to an America’s Got Talent taping, I was excited for a fun afternoon break. Little did I know I’d encounter someone who’d completely exploit disability accommodations—my new […]

Osteogenesis Imperfecta: Breaking Down the Basics

Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI)—often called Brittle Bone Disease—affects roughly one in 15,000 people. This genetic disorder causes bones to fracture easily and develop abnormally due to a collagen deficiency. It affects everything from bone strength to hair and nail growth. Beyond frequent fractures, many with OI also manage disability-related complications such as weak ligaments, hearing loss, and respiratory […]