Category: Featured
Why Not Art Full-Time?
Katherine, your real gift is in art and painting. Why don’t you do that full-time? You would make a fortune! First, no I wouldn’t, trust me. Ever heard the expression “starving artist?” Well, there’s a reason for that! Very few artists make a real living from their art. Most of them have a “day job” […]
Why I Got Into Art
When I was little (in the younger sense as I am still little in the physical sense), I drove my parents absolutely bonkers. Because I didn’t have to learn to crawl or walk, I learned to talk very quickly, and was speaking in full sentences at ten months old. Ordering people around came as a […]
Looking Up…
So what’s with all this “Looking Up” stuff you ask? I graduated with a BA in graphic design from Loyola University New Orleans in 2011. The guidelines for our senior thesis were short and sweet: Create a project that you can display in the class show at the end of the semester that only YOU […]